Friday, June 29, 2007

This is truly sad

The idea of living alone and apart is as American as apple pie. Daniel Boone was said to have moved when he was able to see the smoke from a neighbors chimney.

This must be the saddest and most pathetic pathology in our country. The fact that we want to go it alone. Now the saddest and most pathetic of these are starting to show their ugly little heads.

So here is how I see it; A retired worker from Boeing, who prostituted himself for his whole life to a transnational, making jetliners which suck oil and probably driving his pickup truck lives a lifestyle which steals from future generations. He then goes and finds and unspoiled section and plops his nasty old ass in the middle of it and forbids the world to enter.

Fuck you pal.

You and your whole self-serving generation (along with the boomers that followed you) are the problem. You have taken far more than your share, and left the dregs for the future generations. Now you want to stop the world so that you can spend your self-absorbed remainder of life in denial of your sins.

Fuck you

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Guess that I was a little crabby yesterday

Sometimes it happens. But today is allright. I do really get sick of the boomers. They are so greedy and so grasping and so grasshopper instead of ant it is just absurd.

The hard part is going to be their desire to vote themselves the things that they think that they deserve is going to grow and grow over the next twenty years. Old folk always vote...The legislative branch is terrified of the current social security parasites, just wait until the greedy boomers get hold of the social security system and benefits. There will be an orgy of blood sucking that will make a lamprey look like a piker.

I think that I will just lay low and try to create a personal space that uses as little as possible and is maintainable as I can make it. Start changing my lifestyle now and see how long I can make it without being a burden.

I really do not want to cripple my kid's opportunity for my own shallow desires. But at the risk of sounding self righteous, that appears to be the exception rather tan the rule.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

A generation of rapists

We always knew. Rachel Carson and Paul Ehrlich warned us 30-40 years ago. L. King Hubbard called it out straight. But the truth got caught between us and our desires, so the truth was killed off and ignored so that our McMansions and Hummers could materialize and fuck the rest of the world.

It is sad. It Brings me to mind the song by Carly Simon "Thats the way I've alway heard it should be"

Their children hate them for the things they're not;
They hate themselves for what they are-

I would propose that the legacy of the boomers will be this:

Their children hate them for the things are;
They hate themselves for what they they're not

Our children will hate us for making them live through the reckoning, And they will hate us more when they realized we used their resources for our vanities.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Slow Storm

I have to get a grip on it. It seems that my obsession about the insanity of the world is a touch out of control.

All in all, the world is not going to come to an end. It is however coming to a changing point and being ready for it is a matter of calm and resolution, not chicken little ranting. I sincerely believe that the issues that were identified in the 1960's and 1970's (end of oil and environmental degradation) are coming to fruit. But it is a long toss between:
  1. topping the oil peak and moving past the 50% degradation mark and
  2. the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
The war in the Middle East in all of it's permutations in Israel, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, and the sordid and sundry little "terrorist" claques that goad the whole mess on are going to be with us for a while and it looks like we will lose the whole thing on that oldest of reasons, we just can't afford to stay in the game.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Keeping this thing going is a bit of a pain

Sweet, Sweet unemployment.

The world is turning around and now that I have the time to consider the world around me in some kind of depth. With my luck someone will offer me a job and cut short my ability to sit down and do some serious thinking.

Right now, the world seems to be in a position where everyone is lining up at the edge of a cliff getting ready to jump lemming-like into the abyss. Everything seems to be pointing to an upcoming bad spell, but everyone has been so busy playing grasshopper instead of ant that any mention of the possibility of a diminishing lifestyle is met with cold angry stares.

Consider the news yesterday, the news services trumpeted a "major find" for an oil exploration in Ghana, yet when you spend a little time looking, even at the upper end of the estimated capacity (call it 600 million barrels), when you look at it and divide that number by the 80 million barrels a day that the world is using you get 7.5 days of oil. This is a Major find?

Peak oil and the need to look seriously about the world's (and especially the US and Europe) lifestyle is being systematically ignored. Nobody wants to hear it. I just wonder how long we can keep our fingers in our ears and humming the la-la-la tune?