Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I just thought that I would post these for your perusal

The Automatic Earth is one of my favorite sites.  Ilargi and Stoneleigh are exceptional in their cogency and the sustained quality of their thoughts and observations.  Bravo.

Here is a list that they published yesterday.   I would beg you all to think of your answers to the questions here.  Then go spend some serious time thinking about what exactly it is that can be done.

  1. Do you believe we've seen the last bank bail-out?
  2. Do you believe home prices will start rising again soon?
  3. Do you believe that we will see a reversal in job losses, that anytime in the foreseeable future more jobs will be created than lost?
  4. Do you believe your pension plan will make up for its 2008 losses before 2012?
  5. Do you believe your municipality and state will get their finances under control by 2010?
  6. Do you believe your municipality and state will be able to avoid bankruptcy?
  7. Do you believe your employer will be able to avoid bankruptcy?
  8. Do you believe your children will be better off than you are?
  9. Do you believe your children will be better off than your parents were?
  10. Do you believe global trade will recover to its 2005-6 highs?
  11. Do you think it should, given how much consists of trinkets
  12. Do you believe we will have enough energy to burn when the time comes to rebuild?
  13. Do you believe alternative energy forms will be able to replace fossil fuels in the recovery, if and when it comes?
  14. Do you believe banks that have trillions in gambling losses have a right to your money to keep them standing?
  15. Do you believe it's a good idea to have employees from broke(n) banks enter government in order to make decisions on their fate?
  16. Do you feel confident about your future?
  17. Do you feel confident about the future of your children?

I am not trying to be funny here, but what is happening currently in America.  I think that we should shut our mouths for a bit, turn our brains on for a bit, and come up with a better plan.  I don’t know what it is yet, but it has to be better than what we are doing now

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