Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I cannot shake the thought that the cold times are coming. The feeling of malaise now doesn’t seem to want to leave. I cannot say that I am depressed as I am about as happy as I have ever been, but the sense of foreboding around me just seems to deepen.

More and more I am thinking that there is a reckoning coming. Not just for my pathetic excuse of a job or my less than excessive lifestyle, but for the society that I swim in. There does not seem to be any sense of accountability, spin rules all. But the reckoning will be a spasm, and the really hard part will be to weather the storm and wait until things settle down.

The real issue is that there is no concept of restraint. The zeitgeist is that there can be no constraints on the individual. But this allows too much room for the flawed vessels that make up our race to move in. We consume and consume, unwilling to take less or to save because there is no future, only the infinite now.

We rationalize the things we buy as necessities, somehow different from the self-serving opulence of the past. But it is all the same, subtle differentiations of class and power designed to make those around you aware of your status.
When we come to the reckoning, we will be in a crisis, because all that we have built is a reaction to the past.

We are the new puritans, creating a set of oh-so-carefully crafted mores and enforcing them with a puritan’s zeal. But there are no roots to what we have created. We threw out the baby with the bathwater. So the past can provide us no guide to find our way out of the morass, and the sad set of rules we have created will not be up to the task.

So we use up our finite resources because we don’t know what else to do. We spend energy extravagantly to fuel our mobility and freedom and our drive for the cult of the self, and by doing so have shackled the future to less.


'DD' said...

You been reading Chucky Smith lately?

It's true, we've turned the corner and everyone is a little pigman in training. To a man, everyone I know seems to define who they are by their possessions. No wonder everyone is filling bunkers with crap and horrified of socialism, for an innate sense of self is a vestigal tail. We define ourselves by what we own and can posssess. Talent, intelligence, kindness, action, all relics like a buggy whip.

A man who is a collection of things is no man at all.

These days, the best we seems to be able to do is define ourselves by our families. "I'm their father, I'm her husband."

Who are you, exactly? Who am I?

Why does our innate being no longer seem to matter?

Great post BTW!

Guy on his 8th beer said...

When we chose democracy we sealed our fate. Just the unveiling remains.