Monday, July 19, 2010

Sharecropping and other such outmoded realities

Rather than sitting down and trying to write a complete article every day, I think that a better approach would be to write down what I am thinking as an idea and then expand on it the next day or as the muse otherwise takes me.

Todays idea seed is the idea of gardening as a means of adding to a revenue stream.  I kinda doubt that you are going to go out and make a million here.  What the gardening will do is allow you to get outside and work and maybe get enough back from sales of part of the crop to defray the costs of growing the crop.  You eat what is left.  The savings on food and such will be sufficient to make it worth your while.

First, one has to look at the way we approach our time and efforts.  Put in a nutshell, we are entirely too liberal when we put a dollar figure on the value of our time.

“Man, my time is worth more than that!” is a phrase that is entirely too often spoken and even more often thought.  It is as though when we get home from our normal day jobs at the tertiary of quaternary earning a wage from someone else, we expect any action that we do to bring in a comparable amount of dollar bills or the action is useless.

I would argue that you will have to get away from that type of thinking if you are going to get by.   Consider the task of gardening.  I really can think of little that it does that is a detriment.  It gets you outside, breathing air and into the world.  It provides food, it gets you into the rhythm of nature.  You can take the proceeds of your spare time and keep your earnings in your pocket.  If done correctly, you can even make a piddlin’ amount by selling the proceeds of your endeavor.

More than anything though, gardening is a means to start getting some space between you and the system that you live in.  The corporations are in charge, and they have every intention of your giving them the money and effort that keeps them in power.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

Your time is worth less than the value you provide someone else, or else the free market doesn't work. We must produce more value than we consume, otherwise, what's the point in trading? But it's not hard. Each of us (most of us anyway) has some skill or talent that another does not. The opposite being true as well, our skill/talent becomes more valuable to the person who does not posess it... Oh, and the feller down the road from the Terrorist Farmer sold a pickup truck load of watermelons at $4 a pop. More than paid for the rest of his garden, so he ate and made a small profit. Not a bad deal...