Friday, August 13, 2010

Get Rid of the Damn Thing (reprise)

OK...Not everyone disagrees with me.

and the Rice Farmer too

Now, Read this one.

Anyway, onto one of the basics.  The boys and I always sneak out to the back to piss on the compost heap.    I just consider it smart, phosphorus and nitrogen and good stuff galore, in a nice water matrix, all of which makes the compost heap quite happy.  I do get a lot of good stuff out of this,

The neighbors don't need to know, it doesn't smell and when you add in the ashes from the winter fireplace, you have muy bueno fertilizer in the spring


Mayberry said...

Doesn't seem to do much where I "irrigate", then again nothing much grows well in this sandbox. Except sand spurs, they grow really well....

Guy on his 8th beer said...

I've always run into pH trouble with woodash in the compost pile. Probably I overdid it. It's the American way.

russell1200 said...

I think there is also some salt and ammonia in there as well. Compost heap is not a problem, but it can kill some plants in too high concentration.