Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Back to the Grind

Note:  The last three casts of the I Ching all came up with Hexagram 27.  I think that I will be spending a lot of time thinking about this today.

It is kinda nice being back.  Rent is paid through December, pantry is stocked, bills are paid, so right now it is time to chop wood and carry water and keep on keepin' on.

I think that folks miss the importance of just being.  Getting stuff done that is important to your life in the right-here, right-now is so much more important than watching the antics of a group of paid liars thousands of miles away.   Getting wrapped up in the antics of a bunch of ass-hats back on the other coast gets  people nowhere fast.  I am beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump and all the stupid that he brings to the table is a better reflection of the country than any sane person put into that position.

What Donald gives us is an obvious way to take sides and hate the "others".  The cold reality is that he hasn't really done that much since he has been in D.C.  His record of accomplishments consist mainly of a blowhard trying desperately hard to get in front of the parade.

So, since he just hasn't done all that much, the hatred isn't because of the supposed march to dictatorship that the left envisions.  Truth be told, most of the time, I think that the left just heaps the sum of all its fears onto Donald as a convenience for their money-raising operation.

Look.  Folks are missing the point.  Donald isn't going to make things worse or make things better.  The big problems that will break the bank are things that no one wants to discuss.  Because the truth is we have already lost.  Finance, the environment, the end of empire, debt, nothing is being done about what will kill us.

So, the world will spend the next fifty to one-hundred and fifty years becoming smaller.  Folks will have to drop out of the convenience and status game and go back to the simple act of keeping on keepin' on.

What the Donald provides for is a target for peoples fears and desires.  Most of it is centered around people closing their eyes and wanting the party to continue just a little while longer yet.  But the party is pretty much over, all we are waiting for is the game to unravel.

And the Donald is going to be funny as hell to watch, because for all the credit he is trying to take for shit he didn't do, this scene will be him getting the credit for things that weren't his fault.

And that is irony at it's best.

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