Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blue America: Or, the Kumaya starts here

It sounds simplistic, but no matter how I analyze it, the blues appear to be the discontented leftovers from the 1960's.  As I talked about with the Reds, they are the disgruntled leftovers of the same suburbs that spawned the Reds, they are just the folks that never learned to take the chip off of their shoulder when you look at the crap that middle America dishes out.

So these are the folks that have designed a new world order to take the place of the one that they don't like.   Unfortunately they really don't know what they are talking about.  The world that they have created is one where the sharp corners are padded and everyone wears a safety helmet. 

This world that they create and keep trying to shove down everyone's throat is kind of scary.  Everyone is equal, yet it seems to me that there are as many levels of ability and worth as there are people.  The biggest problem is the triumph of form over function.  Political correctness is just the tip of the iceberg, what is really wanted here is thought control.

They have created this brave new world in their mind.  If they are given the power, they would have no compunctions about forcing it on the country in much the same way that Pol Pot forced his visions upon the people in Cambodia.

But these are usually the soft-science folks, the marketing pukes and the petty bureaucrats.  As a group they are pretty damned ineffective.  The have fed on the leftovers from people who actually do something for a long time now.  The trouble is that when everything has to slim down a little because of changes to the world order and the world economy, their pieces will become correspondingly smaller and they will become like a group of rabid attack wiener-dogs, unable to pay for their Volvos and with nothing left in their ethical investment funds

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