An increasingly infrequent delve into the creaky mental workings of a cynical old man
Per Jesse:
Need Little, Want Less, Love More
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A non-commercial plug
I don't think that Microsoft will be able to survive in its current state of semi-monopoly.
They are also nasty enough pricks that they would have no compunctions whatsoever about holding your computer hostage while they shake you down for more money.
I had no problems with the learning curve. It is not really all that much different than windows. It comes pre-loaded with just about everything you need.
What's the learning curve? With my boys gone to service I've had to learn my own way around & easier would be nice.
I had no problems with the learning curve. It is not really all that much different than windows. It comes pre-loaded with just about everything you need.
It really seemed easy to me.
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