I think we are in scouting mode right now. In standard military usage, scouts don't really like to use their weapons all that much if they are on reconnaissance missions. In an ideal mission, no one sees them, but they see and assess the threat coming the way of the main force. They figure out the nature of the opfor and the whereabouts of the same.
In a sense, we are in the very beginning of the process. This will be the organization stage for any future decisions to be made. As such, announcing ones intentions and loudly screaming for the fall of the elites who have every intention of savagely repressing any such movement will draw agents provocateurs, informants, and snitches like flies.
I realize that his political views are anathema in this crowd, but perhaps a good use of folks time will be to read and ponder the military works of Mao Tze-Tung.
Actually, there is no reason to NOT read and admire the tactical (as opposed to political) views of a successful... well, you know the word I want to use, but won't, for fear of drawing the agents provocateurs....
Good points. But I'd also like to offer this point of view: perhaps it is better to draw out the cockroaches to be seen for what they are in the light of day. Time spent in "scout mode" merely gives the cockroaches more time to entrench themselves, and multiply.....
"Know your enemy" is a phrase that comes to mind. The more knowledge you have of him the easier your job is.
That rifle barrel really sticks out.
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