This isn't a rant, it is a ramble.
I for one hope that the Gotterdammerung that the folks who haunt the gloomy side of the blogosphere espouse never occurs.
I admit that I am not one of your run-of-the mill, garden variety preppers. I only have two weapons, I don't intend to bug out, and I am more concerned about organization after the fall than the desire to live through it at all costs.
But most of all, I would like to think that we will be able to muddle through and come to grips with a new world in a manner that doesn't require war or oppression. Granted, currently I would assign the probability of such an event as fairly low (<20%), but damnit, it does exist, so by-God, I am rooting for it.
I do read quite a bit of the hard-rights take on the current administration. In a sense, I here a lot of my Father's voice in the feelings coming out of this crew. Dad hated Franklin Delano Roosevelt with the same passion as a lot of folks who currently hate Obama. He sold the country out to the socialists was Dad's favorite cry. He gave away the show at Yalta. His Wife was a lesbian...yada, yada, yada.
I really think that we are in a point similar to the situation faced by Hoover and FDR combined. Big business gets incredibly greedy and fucks things up. Like Hoover, Obama is trying to placate the big business types, but he will fail. Then, like Roosevelt, he will tilt the country toward socialism in order to glue things back together.
I can't see how it can work any other way. I am not thrilled with the process, but more of the same "freedom" that allowed the big boys to rape us isn't the answer. Letting folks starve without help from the government isn't the answer. Dismantling our industry and shipping it overseas so that big business can fuck over some other country's citizenry in order to make stuff for us to buy isn't the answer. Allowing the big health insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry the ability to craft "health reform" isn't going to work.
So, it is showtime for the left folks. I know that it stinks, but sometime the taste of medicine is bad. The only real opposition to the entrenched corporate interests that rule our country is the political left. If we are going to survive as a country, we must break the fascistic grip of the corporations. Allowing them more freedom won't do the job. I don't like it, but it isn't forever.
We have gone through this cycle many times. Jackson is still despised in business schools and economic classes. The Roosevelt family is still hated. But after each of these little interludes of despised socialism the country crept back through the spectrum of political will. And each of these little journeys (about 80 years, thank you Professor Kondratieff) allowed us fifty or so years where things were reasonably in balance. That is where we will start seeing some green shoots, but that period of time is about seven to twelve years away.
So, as much as all of us cringe and whine about it, it may be time to open our mouth, hold our nose, and take some really rancid, foul tasting medicine.