Friday, August 28, 2009

I still hate China: But the money is good

I still hate China: But the money is good. Had a little fight with Pollyanna this morning. I cannot understand why people believe the tripe coming out of government officials mouths and why they belive that it is true. If there are a group of people more out of touch than the US government researchers I would not want to be in the same country as they are.

It is ridiculous after a while. The CDC and the WHO get together and create a costly, academic test algorithm and state that this will be the way that it is. The countries that have the HIV problem are poor and incredibly corrupt.

The combination of academic white-tower thinking coupled with the corruption and ignorance of the third word offer the single biggest obstacle in the fight against HIV. The real way to fight the problem is to flood the market with low cost tests and have the testing of partners become the accepted norm. That and you have to fight the brutal poverty that blankets the world and is showing every sign of getting worse.

So the American Pharma/Diagnostic firms (for which I am a willing whore) are over working the system so that the prices are as high as possible and the margins are as high as possible so that executive salaries and bonuses can go up and shareholder value can be increased.

The fight against HIV is actually quite secondary.


Mayberry said...

Fighting brutal poverty is easy. A few well placed snipers would take care of a lot of it when they ventilate the asses of the likes of Mugabe, the Castros, Chavez, and all these other tin pot dictators, as well as the international banker crooks. Give people Freedom, TRUE Freedom, and prosperity will follow.... But of course, my method isn't "politically correct". But until people take back what's rightfully theirs, poverty will only continue to increase.

'DD' said...

Mayberry, god man.....

OK, I erased my unfriendly rant I typed, I'll try the socratic method.

Give me a real, well thought out answer to these two:
1) what is freedom?
2)how do we actually accomplish it

Is Mugabe's goal really anti-freedom? Is Castros? Are they working for selfish reasons or do they just have a different view of what it means to be free and what they want to be free from?

You hurt my head sometimes dude.

Mayberry said...

And you hurt mine Dorca...

I'm just gonna tell you a little story. Many many moons ago I was in the Navy aboard the USS Stout. We spent several weeks in the Florida Straight pulling Cubans out of the water, 90 miles from shore and drifting out into the Atlantic. They were on anything from inner tubes lashed together, to planks on 55 gallon drums. Anything that would float. Sometimes there were these makeshift rafts we found, but their occupants were gone.....

We plucked these people from the water, gave them dry clothes and something to eat. After they thanked us profusely for rescuing them, we asked them why they were doing this. Why they would put to sea on such a rickety contraption and face almost certain death. Their answer? "We'd rather face the monsters of the sea than the monster Fidel Castro"...

Totalitarian rule and Freedom do NOT go together.