Saturday, September 29, 2012

Social Policy

We argue constantly about the preferred nature of the state.  Now, down at the level that you, gentle reader, and your humble correspondent reside, this argument really doesn't come to much.  It is similar to discussing the number of angels performing the Pizochara on the head of a pin.

Nope, the coming election offers a real chance to try and keep a little balance in the mix.  I can't say that I can vote for the wealth-unit Mittster.  My personal bigotry and anger derived from growing up a gentile in Utah stands in the way.  His policies seem to change weekly.  His campaign seems more intent on fundraising than convincing the populace his ideas are worth a try, but that is to be expected from a man who spent his life pursuing wealth.  Finally, I really don't like rich dickheads, so that puts him out of the running.

I may well place my vote for Ron Paul as a write in.  I like some of his ideas, and truthfully, I like his style.  But truthfully, a write-in for Ron Paul is just a way to make a personal statement, not a way to assist the Republic to choose its leader.

Nope, in an odd way, I am not voting for the President of the United States as much as I am voting for the foil to the sitting Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Reading about John Roberts has left me fascinated about the man.  I think that he is probably one of the smartest men in the country.  I think that his rulings show a slow and measured approach.  He is a young man and in the job for a long haul.   Here is a conservative worthy of the name, not a screaming Fox news crazy, but a serious man, smart enough to know when to compromise for a long game.  Magna Cum Laude, Harvard Law, erudite, smart capable.

The perfect foil is Barack Hussein Obama.  He is a young man and in the job for a long haul.   Here is a liberal worthy of the name, not a screaming The Nation crazy, but a serious man, smart enough to know when to compromise for a long game.  Magna Cum Laude, Harvard Law, erudite, smart capable.

I am voting for Obama, not because I agree with him, but his views and decisions will be reviewed and balanced by Roberts.  It is my sincere hope that Hegel's dialectic will come into play here.  With the final results of these two intelligence's conflict being a more perfect union.

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