Friday, June 29, 2018

I even like Yanos

Spend a little time reading this gem.

I think that, in a sense, this well written and moving bit of work is indicative of the problems we are facing and the West's responses.

The walls are to define what is mine.  The people who build them look at them as a way to protect their stuff from people who feel, either unjustly or justly, that they want a piece of the action.

The sad part is that both sides feel that they stand firmly in the moral high ground.  It has been this way since the days of Ashurbanipal.

We are the builders of walls.  I am sitting in a coffee shop in Ashland, Oregon looking at the fruits of those walls.   I am the youngest of a dozen old men and women, All of them dressed in REI/Cabelas casual and chatting easily about those shallow things that are left to retirees.  I cannot imagine that they even think about the walls.  If they did, they would probably approve mightily, because it is those walls and those walls alone that allows them the luxury of their yearly dose of the celebration of the imperial might that we have had bequeathed to us from our forebears.

Over and over and over again.  The bald truth of the matter is that these walls allow many of us us here in the USA to take a lot more than our share of just about everything.  The folks surrounding me, when they finally figure out that the physical comfort and privileges of their lives will be threatened, will insist on higher walls.

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