There is, at best, room for maybe three billion pair if humankind were capable of creating a just and equitable system. I have my opinion on that. Professors Spengler, Toynbee, and Tainter would posit "that shit ain't happening".
What is being seen now is the beginning of the true "intersectionality": that of overpopulation, environmental degradation, climate change, and the breakdown of the Imperialist system of economics. Those preconditions don't lend themselves to coming up with a just and equitable system.
I understand those who arrive are looking for a better life, and the conditions that they are fleeing are horrific. But there is a slim, albeit very slim, possibility that we here in the Land o' the Free (tm), might be able to pull our head out of our asses long enough to create a shallower slope on the way down. We most certainly cannot do such a thing by opening our borders.
So, I agree with you that the methods that we use to close our borders are unjust. I will even agree with you that our support of dictators and the actions of our corporations are part of the root cause of the problem. These should be addressed.
But we should close the borders, we should reform our system to one more that is more just and equitable. But we should do it for our people.
That is enough, and that will probably be a task that we will fail. Look around you. Every other person that you see is in the category of "too many". The task that needs to be done is hard enough with who we already have.
From Ursula K. Le Guin's translation of Lau Tzu
Be completely empty. Be perfectly serene.
The ten thousand things arise together;
in their arising is their return.
Now they flower,
and flowering
sink homeward,
returning to the root.
The return to the root
is peace.
Peace: to accept what must be,
to know what endures.
In that knowledge is wisdom.
Without it, ruin, disorder.
To know what endures
is to be openhearted,
following the Tao,
the way that endures forever.
The body comes to its ending,
but there is nothing to fear.
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