Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Currently Speculative

John Michael told me what I was in a recent post.

"A Speculative Mage".

Well, that doesn't appear to be doing shit for me.  I think that I am like those political science students you met in college.  You know them, the ones that take courses in East Asian Studies but don't learn any languages and don't visit the countries that they study.  

The ones that usually go into government work.

So, if I am to be allowed to see what the hell is going on and if magic is in fact afoot, I have to go and try to do something and see how it works.  In other words, I have to travel to where magic exists, and that appears to be right where I am, I just have to turn the key.

I think that since I have no particular relationship with any of the entities that appear to mediate magic, I will have to figure out what the hell that they are are try to do a little shout out.  The problem for me is, while I can tentatively accept the existence of things out there with greater power and knowledge that I can deploy, I have no idea of who/what they are or how to contact them.

I think that the best that I can do right now is to examine myself and my way of thinking.  If there are things out there, and they can have an effect on my consciousness and will, there may be traces there if I look for it.

Now, I am thinking that the hard part will be the whole belief aspect of the problem.  Most things that I read start out with the same nonsense that the Christers start with.  "first you have to believe, then the results will flow from the effect of that belief".

Hmmm.  I have always been uncomfortable with that particular proposition.  Kinda strikes me as the same path that made me leave science.  Science got into trouble because folks decided what they wanted to prove, then went out and set things up to prove them.

Strikes me that idea of having a pre-defined result in the occult is every bit as dangerous as having a pre-defined result in science.

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