Friday, August 24, 2018


I think that they are going to pull down Donniekins.  

Don't get me wrong, as events go, it is not one that lends me great sadness.  But a banquet of unintended consequences might very well be in the offing.  Donnie is a dickhead of almost mythic proportions, thus feeling any sympathy for his fall from "grace" is well beyond my oh-so-limited abilities.

The oh-so-righteous who brought us this show are probably toasting the impending fall with a flavored martini and some light appetizers.  I am equally certain that there will be a smug feeling of victory and a "told you so" coming my way about my poorly thought out vote against the more corrupt major party candidate. 

I think that I am going to have to put up with ongoing cheerleader gloating of how the losing side in a contest of despicable's managed to pull down the head of State using the lame-ass cover of the aftermath of screwing a couple of hookers.   Kinda puts a cum-stained blue dress in perspective, doesn't it?

But I think that the folks who are so intent on his demise are going to be surprised by the reaction of the deplorables who brought us this particular shitshow.  The Wall Street money, the fragmented Social Justice Warriors, the differently gendered, and the desperately clinging professional class might think that they will breathe a sigh and the world will go back to its grandiloquent and stately progress to their imagined perfect world.

I suppose that they imagine that the deplorable 47% will take their guns and religion and, now suitably chastened, will skulk back to Walmart and resume buying the shit they are told to buy.

Nope, all the problems are still there.  If you don't live in a gated community you see a few more homeless on your way to work every day.  You don't see the cops getting more aggressive at rousting them.  You don't see the poor folks searching for the jobs that everyone is talking about.  You do see the price of everything going up at the Wal Mart and the Dollar Store.

Now, don't think for a minute that I thought that little Donniekins ever had any intention of taking care of us low-lifes.   But the little guy did notice that shit ain't going right for the greater part of our society.  He was right when he said that the immigrants were sucking up the available jobs.  Nothing could be truer, but the jobs that they suck up were shitty jobs working for shitty people for shitty money.  What Donnie proposed is that we cut off the flow of illegal migrant workers so that homegrown folks could be thoroughly fucked by the rapacious corporations instead of imports.

Nope, they are going to take down Donniekins and things are going to continue to get worse.  Because the folks who are so certain that removing him is the solution cannot even see the problem

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