Thursday, August 16, 2018

An open letter to my Liberal friends

Ahhh..the never-ending angst.  Its reek permeates all our conversations.  The angst gets denser as we approach politics.  Angst becomes viscous when our sitting President is mentioned.

I have been listening to you guys for two years now.  You are right.  The fucker is a clown.   But the fact of the matter is he is the legally elected President of the peculiar constitutional Republic we have become.  The other truth of the matter is he is as dumb, venal, and creepy as Bush, and we got through Bush.

You seem to think that if somehow, someone got sufficient dirt on the sleazy little fuck, we could kick him out of office and we would restart our journey to the Nirvana of Equality of Outcome.

Fucking idiots.  The reason the Donny boy was elected is that no one worth a bucket of warm piss would want anything to do with that office in the here and now.

Look, there isn't much in the way of good coming down the path right now.  It is looking like this climate change thing is starting to get some traction.  The petrodollar is looking shaky as all get out.  The Federal budget is out of control, No matter what side you are on, the migrant problem ain't going away and is going to cost a pretty penny.  Trade is fucked.  We spend way too much money losing wars and there are just too many old fucks hanging on.

So at the end of the rant, with the "we're fucked" train is pulling into the station.  You wienies think that getting rid of Donnie will solve our problems.  Nope, that dog don't hunt.  The problems will be still a' comin' full bore whether or not Donny-Boy leaves or stays.  Truth be told, I didn't see a single person running for President in the 2016 Presidential election campaign that bothered to address the problems in a serious way.

Nope.  We are looking at a banquet of consequences.  No one wants to talk about the complexity of the problems or the consequences of the actions that will need to happen to ameliorate the decline.  Ratcheting back from excessive consumerism and corporatism is going to leave a lot of people pissed and wondering what happened to them.

Donnie is the dumb one all right.  But it ain't Donny you got to worry about, it is who will follow him.

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