Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Ideas without work

Pushing Upwards

Dealing with the self-annointed muckedy-mucks at the FedGuv ranch is probably not that much different that working with the would-be Napoleons (the pig, not the human) at any large corporation.


Meetings are their job, rising and joining is their passion.  The actual work is beneath them, as a matter of fact, it seems that actually doing work is considered somewhat an insult, an unworthy task fit only for deplorables.  

They perceive their jobs as "Thinking" and coming up with "Ideas".  The thinking done and the ideas thus generated usually involve screwing around with the way that the job is done so that the important manager can take credit for work performed by those who are beneath him in status.  The only work that is done at this level is the generation of tasks, mostly unrelated to the actual job needing to be accomplished, mostly related to the ambition of the middle management.

I have to keep my head down and my mouth shut and keep working.  I don't have that long to make good my escape.  

Good riddance

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