Monday, November 26, 2018

Return and Structure

I am sitting in the cold light of morning on a Saturday.  I am looking at a bunch of half-naked trees and the leaves on the green grass surrounding them.  We have a month to go until the solistice and things will be getting progressively more dreary for over a month yet.  But, such is life.

Just got back from Cicero's today.  An excellent haul of conversations, book recommendations, and new music.

Today, I will be working to get supplies and needs taken care of and getting ready to return to my low impact lifestyle (some would use the words "poor white folk" but they are just being crude) I will be working out those details today with Castor and Pollux.  As the younger now has his driver's license, I am letting him use the old kid-hauling pod to run around this coming week so the vehicle will be out of the state for a day or two. This absence is not at all a problem, but not having the convenience of having the "white whale" available at a whim requires greater pre-planning for supply.

While this may seem to be a non-sequitor, yesterday, on the way home from the family-hookey escapade, I stopped by and picked up some of the #10 cans from my ill-fated and poorly managed plan to escape the zombie apocolypse (ZA).  I am now of a sufficient age to realize that, in the case of a zombie apocolypse, I ain't gonna make it anyway.

Now this is all rationalization, but I am coming to the conclusion that things like my ZA experience were just good ideas in general, that things that I thought of as "Survivalist/Prepper" are just sensible ways to live in a world entering an era of decline.  So why not use up the pantry foods that I bought at such expense years ago.  Integrate them into my cooking.  I think that the easiest way to survive ZA is to stay home and keep your head down

For the most part, when one looks at the basics required to live a good life, the actual needs are fairly minimal. For me, it is
  1. shelter,
  2. electricity,
  3. food,
  4. water,
  5. spices,
  6. a used and ancient laptop,
  7. books,
  8. some "get loose"
  9. and music. 
I guess that what I am doing here is working through in my head what I have to keep and what requires further purging.  Purging alone cannot allow one to work out a decent method of living in a world defined by less.  But keeping things that aren't truly important to one's happiness is a fools game.

I am currently evaluating and re-evaluating my need for a screen to watch football.  I am also looking at my communication needs, but my cell phone is enough to provide for voice and internet.

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