Thursday, December 13, 2018


"History is only the pattern of silken slippers descending the stairs to the thunder of hobnailed boots climbing upward from below." -Voltaire

Really Liberals.  Really, really think about what you are trying to do.

You might think that your current version of a Utopian vision has a chance?

Most of what you are proposing doesn't have any historical precedent except in failed states and dying communities.

I think that the current set of pipe dreams are an odd lot, propagated through an educational system that seems to be more interested in generating a dependable and compliant revenue stream than providing anything resembling an education that allows one to get the occasional glimpse behind the veil of Maya.

I live in Portland, actually, kinda on the edge of Portland, in an older neighborhood that the hipsters haven't got their fingers into yet.  Truth be told, Portland is a case study for the elite sneering associated with the current liberal ideal.   I think that the hammer will come down hard here, and the hammer probably won't be wielded by the left-of-center.  The desire of the trans-vegan-cis-wymen denizens of the high-tech condos won't matter for much when the globalized money that lends them power goes belly up. 

The opposite of these elite are the deplorables and the gilets jaunes.  These folks have begun the process of recovering the dignity and the political voice that the liberal society has tried to denigrate and marginalize, to insist that the needs and simple aspirations of those who don't choose to whore themselves out to the global elite are not important.

The fight will be between an armed class of deplorables and the moneyed elite who are doing their damnedest to set up the rules that will allow them to live in their bubble of privilege.  They have spent the last twenty years militarizing the police force and indoctrinating the young in to thinking their utopian vision is the true one.

But the indoctrination and the machinery of repression really only exist on the coastal areas, the large swath of red-tinged unbelievers that runs through the middle of the country.  The center of the country won't be the battleground.  The battleground will be cities, and the more liberal the city the harder will be the fall.

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