Wednesday, December 12, 2018

To Know One's Limits

The whole purpose of posting my most recent "Idea seed" was to bring into focus just how thankless a task trying to figure how things work and what constitutes a "Primum Movens".

Look, it isn't a bad choice of things to fail at.  There is some damn fine company in the ranks of people have failed.  Truthfully speaking, there is no evidence anywhere that anyone has ever succeeded.  So what the hell.  Thinking about "whether not, at last, nature will be understood" is probably the best thing that a person can do.

So, lets talk about how things look from the inputs that the blob of tissue residing inside my cranium uses to make sense of the world..   Having spent the last 35-some-odd years thinking that I had a handle on things, I have come to the conclusion that the word fatuous best defined this misconception.  Oh, don't get me wrong, as stated before, I am in great company.  But it is time to take a stand down and resharpen the tools. 

In a sense, I have to get back to my roots.  I have to go back and revisit those certainties of twenty years ago, the ones that I discussed obliquely earlier this week.  Nature being understood isn't going to happen in a cage surrounded by artifacts of the mundane.  Simply put, the mundane is a drag on the spirit and the mind.

I think that the only way that I am going to get a handle on the way that the world works, my only chance of understanding nature is to continue my current choice of being a "Mad Monk" and remove the physical distractions in my life.

Now, I am not going to sit around, mumbling some nonsense about jewels and lotuses, I think that you have to still contribute to pay for your vittles.  So I will continue being the resident curmudgeon at the VAspa for the next little bit.  I will read things, and I will mix what I read around in that mass of tissue between my ears, and if I come up with anything interesting, I will write it down here and you are more than free to criticize. 

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