Friday, September 25, 2020

Homo Novus


Been pondering the origin of the loathing of Fuckwad.  Now, some will take umbrage, but I think that the outpouring of pure bile and disgust might well have more to do with the pitcher than the catcher.

Look, I am not arguing that Fuckwad isn't worthy of the scorn, but rather that those who loathe him so vehemently and so constant are seeing something that truly frightens them. 

Trump hatred is primarily concentrated in the educated professional class.  Now, folks kind of want to portray it a cross-class, universal hatred that is only unsubscribed by racists, homophobes, and other such things.  Sorry folks, but that dog won't hunt.  Granted, major sections of the lower class dislikes him, but it isn't all that heartfelt of that passionate.  At best, it seems that all they can do is to work up a mild distaste. 

Nope, true and strong Trump hatred is found in what the Romans used to refer to as Homo Novus.  These are the folks from what used to be the middle class (when it was still a "working" class that did all the right things and went to college and "moved up" into the "professional" class.  They went to college and bought themselves shiny new degrees and shiny new personae which best suited the Kabuki theatre that was the Amercan corporate structure of the time.  This was referred to as the "American Dream".

But then it all went wrong.  Didn't start with fuckwad, nope, he was just the first harbinger of the failure of the model that they worshiped so fervently.  By vastly overemphasizing the value of the educated class and strip mining the processes and infrastructure that allowed a working class to exist, the natural thing was that the wealth disparity between the classes became the mess that it now. (80% struggling/20% "professional and above) and the rigors of the "once-known-as-working-class" brought us to the path we are on.

So, we have an oversized and pampered professional class and a huge and struggling working class.  The professionals think that since they "earned" their largesse, it is their by right.  In fact, it was a wealth transfer pure and simple.  And the professionals feel that their unearned and oversized rewards are theirs by right.  The working class didn't suck dick for good grades like they did so the working class can rot if they think that they are going to give up one shred of what the professional considers their share of the loot.

That is seedbed where the hatred of Donald Trump took root.  Donny boy is a rich kid.  But he doesn't act like the other rich kids or worship at the shibboleths that the professional class worship.  He ran a campaign listening to "Those People" and his hotels and his businesses and his demeanor reflect a less than strict adherence to the poses and the pretensions of the professionals.

In other words, he reminds them of their past and where they came from. 

Look, the professional class is remarkably parochial.  They run from a status based pecking order and feel that everyone outside of their little realms are servants and should recognize their roles as such.Either that or they are customers who need to be harvested for the $$ that give the professionals life meaning. 

Donny violated the code.  He pulled aside the curtain where all of us come from.  As a people, we American aren't classy.  We tend toward being rude and boorish.  We eat too much, we drink too much, we fight too much.  When you go to college and get a little polish and move into an overpaid and pampered elite, you want to forget that little truth and pretend you are living in some Victorian novel with servants and drama and tasteful home decor. 

Donny is hated by the elite because he reminds them that the party is coming to an end.

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