So: I have been hearing mucho whining on the internet about the new blogger interface.
Now, I have no intention of coming back to the borg mothership and I will stay over at my new place, so I will take a look and see what all the whining is about.
OK: Just looking at it I don't see anything especially hateful. Seems to be the same plain vanilla shit that the googlers have been throwing at us since 2006 when I started there.
Uploads pictures just fine. OK
lets you set links (see above)
Changes typefaces OK
Changes Colors OK
Changes sizes OK
As always I think that the whole issue is folks bitching about how they weren't consulted.
As if your opinion really mattered.
Look, they give the damn thing away free and try hard. I am making a bet that a lot of the changes that you fuckwads are complaining about makes the code base a damn site easier to work with so maintenance becomes easier. That ain't about you pretentious fucks who are merely complaining about the free ride.
It isn't like your pearls of wisdom are required for the proper running of the world.
So why don't you shut up and be grateful.
OK Back to Dreamwidth. Yeah I gotta pay and they ain't perfect, but at least I don't bite the hand that feeds me.
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