Friday, July 13, 2018


Folks in the whackjob left wing and the nutjob right wing are steering us toward a civil war.  It would appear that these two sectors of the population, while together constituting maybe 15% of the population are dead set on personifying the other pole of the debate as deliciously uber-evil and needing to be either herded into a reeducation camp or otherwise disposed of in the traditional manner.

You can start to see the outlines of it now.  Antifa and the Proud Boys having a sissy-boy-slap-fest in Portlandia is the tip of the iceberg.  I think that the corporate media fanning the flames should hold a special place in the future works of a "reconciliation commission".  The Q crowd is whipping up the flames.  The Resistance is throwing an extended tantrum.

Now, here in the USA, with our nearly complete lack of historical context and astonishing ignorance, will probably go and rewatch Ken Burns and from that piece of drivel imagine the pure nobility of this future abomination.

But the America of today isn't the America of the 1860's (though truthfully, I would be all for a Senator kicking the ass of another Senator on the floor of the senate, that would be sport).  We aren't the country of a mercantilist/industrial North ruthlessly oppressing a export-driven agrarian South.  That war had distinct regions and a sufficiently diffuse political system to allow for a "nation against nation" type of war that was the first American civil war.

Nope, this time we get us a belief-driven and diffuse civil war.  A civil war of beliefs and rage.  Think the Spanish civil war.  Think the Thirty-years war.  This will be a civil war of atrocities and wandering.

Chairman Mao and the Red Guard will be watching.

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