This isn't going to be an article about movies, this is going to be an article about the way that people think about their world and their wishes.
The bulk of the Star Wars franchise is oddly built around the plot device of midichlorians. Everyone has them, but there are supermen out there who have a buttload of them and those high-mitochlorian folks are who either:
- The Bad Guys who want to take over the world and oppress the shit out everyone in sight, or,
- The Good Guys who beat the crap of the bad guys in a predictable dramatic arc of weak..get strong...challenge...almost lose...come back and win. Lovely and time-proven dramatic arc.
Now, the odd segue into the political realm.
We look at our "leaders" and our high level politicians in the same way that we fantasize about the high-mitochlorian folks. They are bad guys or good guys. They have powers to oppress us or save us. In most peoples minds the struggle is between light and dark at the highest levels. Us low-lifes are mere pawns.
What I propose is that we stop looking at Donny and Hilly as either the demon or savior. They are just people who are out in front. They really don't have that much say in the way things are run.
The politicians are subject to the same massive tides of change that all of us are caught in. They are trying to steer the unsteerable They serve different portions of the general population and are trying to steer the ship so that it hits the iceberg on the right side or the left side.
All the argument and angst about Donny-boy and Hilly-girl and their legions of shrieking followers are missing the whole point. All parties in our entire country and all ideologies have to look at what they most firmly desire and figure out how to do with less.
Because, at the end of the day, what we have and what are our desires just aren't sustainable, and sacrifice is the only tool that we have.
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