Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Perhaps a better view

Of late, The Donald has been branded a reincarnation of our old Buddy, Silvio Berlesconi.   Ahhhhhh, the days of bunga-bunga and little girls in different countries.  I have never seen a Wikipedia entry with a "Controversies" section having fifteen entries.

It is unfortunate that ones vulgarity shows through so cleanly.  The only thing more unsettling is the arrogant and sniffing posture taken by the Puritans and Neo-Victorians in the genteel enclaves of Manhattan and Hollywood (really, just the coast in general).

But, truth be told, I can't really see that much in the way of similarities.  Oh, if you look at Donald fifteen to twenty years ago, maybe...But I would wager a pretty goodly sum of money the little Donny is no longer in the poon-hound game.

Nope....Donald isn't really all that much like Silvio.  But I think that a pretty fair case can be made that he is like another leader...cast your thoughts back to Thaksin Shinawatra.  Consider the following little bit from our friends at
Thaksin's government launched programs to reduce poverty, expand infrastructure, promote small and medium-sized enterprises, and universal healthcare coverage. Thaksin declared a "war on drugs" in which more than 2,500 people died and took a strong-arm approach against the separatist insurgency in the Muslim southern provinces. He was the first democratically-elected prime minister of Thailand to serve a full term and was re-elected in 2005 by an overwhelming majority.
Thaksin was hated by the Bangkok elite.  Politics in Thailand have always been a chancy deal, the country still a royalty for gods sake.  The elite rarely like anything about a man who the riff raff support

Nope, the Donald just keeps doing stuff that pisses off the left and the left hates Donald.  Pretty much the same deal that got handed Nixon.  Tricky Dick got us out of Vietnam and tried to push through a National Health Care plan that was infinitely better than anything the Demos have ever done.  The Demos killed the health care bill because they couldn't take credit for it, and the Scoop Jackson wing of the Dems opposed anything that kept the complex from their spoils.

Nope, Nixon got busted by a relentless picking at a minor indiscretion of politics that "Landside" Lyndon and Jack "the zipper" would have found trivial when compared to their brand of politics.

The elite have decided that the Donald has to go.  There will be no rest until he leaves.

I won't shed any tears over his departure.  He is, at best, a piss-poor president.  But I am getting a little concerned about how little the elite seem to care about the opinion of us proles. 

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