Monday, July 30, 2018

OK: Asking about the next step

I really, truly think that there may be something to magic.  But, as a caveat, I also think that Marty Fleischmann and Stanley Pons (My P. Chem Profs) did see something that they just weren't able to reproduce.

As you all are aware, I am warming up to the idea that there may be something to "Magic".  In that vein, I sent the following missive over to the Cast and Crew at

Well, after attempting for a couple of weeks to figure out just what the heck the mechanism is for "occult" practices I have come up with NADA.  I asked our benefactor John Michael last week and was set right about the ability to "see" what is going on before jumping in: 

In the "Big Ecosophia" blog this last couple of weeks, I learned that there is a difference between "speculative" and "operative" mages. 

Since I am getting NADA by trying to look, and since there are a goodly number of different "paths", would our good host and kind readers care to give suggestions about what tradition might be a good fit for a semi-retired ex-scientist with a moderate case of aspergers and an irreverent attitude in general
Now, this is an experiment.  I have no idea how this will play out.  

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