Thursday, September 27, 2018

Another Year

I am going to stay put another year.  The chances of things not going to shit are higher than the chance of things going to shit.  Granted, the interstice  between these two states are getting vanishingly close 

Mostly, the whole issue rotates around my tendency toward lethargy and sloth.  Right now I cannot for the life of me figure out how I would approach the issue if things go to shit in a serious way.  I think that is the issue that I have with the prepper/doomer crowd in general.  Look folks, if things go to shit in a serious way, you will be trying to decide whether to shit or wind your watch:  Just like me.

So, I will stay at my place for another year and try to get a better idea of what is going on.  I need to work out some of the details of my dotage.  Now, when you talk about plans, most people think that they are putting out a five-paragraph OPORD.  Well buckaroo, most of what is laid out in plans like that vanish like a puff of smoke when the real world hits them.  My plans are simpler.  Drop another 100 pounds, walk a minimum of 50,000 steps a week, keep my brain going by writing, put some serious thought into where I might want to begin my Lebowski phase.

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