Thursday, July 25, 2024

Control Myths


I do love me a conspiracy theory.  

I think that this is an offshoot of my love of fantasy novels.  Good, simplistic fairy tales where sides are clearly delineated and plucky good guys go through some shit on their way to Mordor for the win.  I love fantasy as a reading genre and I won’t give it up, thank you very much.  

The science fiction novels are merely a specific form of fantasy (I love them too, but they are losing ground and quality since science itself has been underperforming of late).

I sometimes feel that the “news” that is peddled out via all of the media types need to be included in the “fantasy” category.  

Right now the American Unordnung is amazing to watch.  The theories are coming fast and furious, seemingly with less in terms of evidence than usual.  You know that things are weird whenever mention of the Kennedy assassination, the Warren Commision are rising in the media.  If the 9-11 attacks and the WEF coverage begin to surface in the discussion, you can rest assured that it is time to break out the popcorn.  Evil masterminds abound, nefarious plots are hatched, all done in the name of the true religion.  Choose your sides.  

It is difficult enough to get a valid and consensus explanation of something as simple as a tree that a couple of people are directly observing.  Try it some time.  Grab a beer and a friend and try to explain a seemingly simple phenomenon in a manner that is detailed enough to explain the simple while directly observing.  When you get a completely polluted and contradictory set of inputs such as the third and fourth hand interpretations of real world events that are being bandied about on the ‘net, the chances of you having the ability to construct an accurate model of what is going on is almost nil.

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