Thursday, July 18, 2024

Tough Business


Why did the duck cross the road?

What pisses my buddies off about me is the simple fact that I understand that my opinion really doesn’t matter and neither does theirs. I am beginning to think that this simple fact is indicative of the mindset of the system that is running us into the ground.

I am beginning to come to the conclusion that the individual and his personal desires and beliefs just aren’t important.  The real hard part about all this is that the more important the individual considers their beliefs the less useful and important a part of the world that person becomes

We live in a country with a population north of 330 million in a world population greater than 8 billion.  Just how important do you think you opinions and beliefs are when put alongside numbers like that?

Our system here in the land o’ the free is a putative democracy  The sales pitch is that your vote matters.  But like all sales pitches, it doesn’t tell the whole truth.  You aren’t voting for a person that will fix things.  That idea is a bridge too far.  You are voting for a person who will hopefully wrangle the reins of government more to your liking than the person opposing him.  

But it is the reins of government themselves that are at the core of the problem.  The President as a position is not in a position of power.  He is like a Boeing CEO, he directs funds to entities that no longer serve their original purpose.  The metrics that he has available, the current mission of the entity, and the goals he wishes to accomplish will not be aligned.  The presidents policy goals are attempts to align these three functions.

I think that the extraordinarily difficult path the the president has to walk is to convince the subordinate entities to align themselves with his goals.  The left has the problem of the tail wagging the dog.  The entities call the tune.  The right is trying to force the entities to capitulate and sing a different tune.

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