Friday, July 19, 2024

They are not our friends


This post is kind of embarrassing to write.  It is just my opinion and a distillation of my experience over the past fifty some-odd years and probably points as much to my insecurity and self-image problems as it does to what I see as facts on the ground.  That being said, I don’t think that what I am saying is untrue.

Let's talk about our relationship with the motherland.  Europe.  Now, a lot of you will remind me that the US has many different and varied cultural forebears, but the truth of the matter from my point of view is that the elites and the policy mavens are working as hard as they can to ape the image and the beliefs of the Europeans.  

It is my honest feeling that Europe does not respect us either as a country or as individuals.  This is following more than a couple interactions over the course of forty-plus years.  The Europeans use us to make certain that they don’t have to spend money on things and can maintain their tottering and ancient quasi-imperial systems of privilege and resource looting at a cut rate cost.

Americans want to be European, I can’t understand it, but there it sits.  The Europeans consider us heavily armed barbarians who they buy off with trinkets and fashion and get all bitchy-huffy whenever we don’t do their bidding or follow their oh-so-obviously superior cultural direction.

I think that we should work out how to deal like adults here in this hemisphere and let the Euro-trash deal with theirs. I am unsure about how to deal with the countries West of here.  When I come up with a decent idea, I’ll tell you. 

I am an isolationist when it comes to Europe.  Pure and simple.  Fuck Europe.  I say let them hang and let's pull our resources and money back here to fix our own problems.  Let Europe take care of itself.  Leave NATO.

I think that we really need to remember that our ancestors, for the most part, left Europe for a damn good reason.

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