Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Deus ex Machina


God in the machine.

Here in the good ol’ USA, we keep expecting someone to save us from ourselves.  All we get instead is a couple of power structures that control the political discourse, neither of which knows how to do anything except throw money at the problem and write laws that focus money at specific targets.

It is my feeling that this kind of thing is described pretty darn well in that horribly written mound of poorly thought out garbage named “Atlas Shrugged”.

I am not for certain that the large scale power structures that run the US really have any idea of what they are doing.  They think that they control the “levers of power”, but truthfully, all that it appears that they know how to do is spend other people's money to hire other people who claim that they know how to do the job.  

I begin to see why actors and entertainers are becoming more important in our country.  They have the same shallow and self-absorbed sense of omniscience that we have gotten used to in our politicians.  

But the country is heading into a place where no one wishes to go.  Every individual is cringing about the direction we are heading, but there is no workable consensus concerning how to even slow down the train.

I am beginning to think that the problem doesn’t have a solution.  The punch is on its way and there is no way to avoid it.  

I think that it is time to re-read Tainter.

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